US Location Tijuana, BC.
Call us today (664) 3685203
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Opening Hours Mon-Sat 9:AM - 5PM

About Us

Dr Garcia de Leon B. has worked in several hospitals in Tijuana, He has been in the medical field for over 25 years.

Has been in several countries  improving his knowledge to provide better treatments to our patiens.

Has treated houndreds of patientes with the FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE  aproach

many chronic and degenerative diseses, like Cancer, Immune disorders, Infections and other chronic degenerative diseases.

He has seen that the best result will come with the combination of non-conventional and conventional treatments, he has always provided several options of treatments to his patients and is willing to give several options of treatment to  the patients and work as a team with them to choose the best option to each condition.

He tries to be  agresive to de disease bur not towards the patient.


    • Worked in hospital Oasis  Playas de TIjuana 3 years.

    • Worked in hospital Sanoviv Rosarito B.C. for 7 years.

    • Hospital Excel Tijuana por 4 years.

    • Hospital Angeles Tijuana for 3 yers.

    • Baja Med Gate for 3 Years.

    • Medical Director at American Holistic Care for 5 years


    • Medical School in UABC (Autonomous University of Baja California)

    • Fellow in FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE and trainign in hospital Sanoviv

    • Specialty in educational sexuality in university IMESEX (Mexican institute of sexuality)

    • Masters in clinical Sexuality in IMESEX (Mexican institue of Sexuality)

    • Masters in Biomedical Science in univeristy Xochicalco

Highly skilled procedures

HIPECH Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) surgery is a two-step procedure that treats certain cancers in the abdomen. Cancerous tumors are surgically removed, and then heated chemotherapy drugs are applied directly inside the abdomen to eliminate the remaining cancerous cells. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs; also referred to as mesenchymal stromal cells) have attracted much attention for their ability to regulate inflammatory processes. Their therapeutic potential is currently being investigated in various degenerative and inflammatory disorders. MSCs exert their therapeutic effects are multifaceted, but in general, these cells are thought to enable damaged tissues to form a balanced inflammatory and regenerative microenvironment in the presence of vigorous inflammation. Studies over the past few years have demonstrated that when exposed to an inflammatory environment, MSCs can orchestrate local and systemic innate and adaptive immune responses through the release of various mediators, including immunosuppressive molecules, growth factors, exosomes.


Our mission is to stop progression of disease and revert as much as possible each condition, avoiding side effects from drugs.


Our vision is to create a proper enviroment to have a HEALTHY AGING PROCESS








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Mex: +52 (664) 664 368 5203 | US: Pending | Whattsapp: +52 (664) 368 5203

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